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  • ※商店內所有布偶均不適合給兒童玩耍※
    ※NOTE:All handmade plushies in the store are not suitable for children.※


    三色糰子布偶 (Hanami Dango Mass-Produced Plushie)

    本布偶為預購商品,布偶版型由 Ruman 設計,並交由廠商進行量產製作。(This plushie is a pre-order item, Plushie pattern designed by Ruman and produced by a manufacturer.)

    預購時間:(台灣時間)2024 年 8 月 10 日至 2024 年 10 月 10 日截止。(Pre-Order Time: From August 10, 2024, to October 10, 2024 (Taiwan Time).)

    生產時間:2024 年 10 月至 2025 年 1 月,預計約 3 個月。
    (Production Period: October 2024 to January 2025, estimated to take around 3 months.)

    寄送時間:2025 年 2 月起,依照訂單順序陸續寄送,預計於 2025 年 5 月前完成所有訂單的寄送。(Shipping Period: Starting in February 2025, orders will be shipped in sequence, with all orders expected to be shipped by May 2025.)

    (If there are any changes in the schedule, we will notify you. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.)

    布偶資訊 (Plushie Information)

    尺寸:長 30cm × 寬 8 cm × 厚 6 cm。
    (Size: Length 30.5 cm × Width 8 cm × Thickness 6 cm)

    材質:糰子部分為仿兔毛布料,竹籤部分為水晶絨布料,內含鋁線支撐。(Materials: The dango part is made of faux rabbit fur fabric, while the skewer part is crafted from Minky fabric with internal aluminum wire support.)

    填充:糰子內部填充棉花,觸感紮實且彈性十足。竹籤部分則因鋁線支撐而呈現硬質觸感。(Filling: The dango part is filled with cotton, providing a solid yet bouncy feel. The skewer part has a hard texture due to the aluminum wire support.)

    保養說明 (Care Instructions)

    (Avoid bending the aluminum wire frequently, as it may cause breakage.)

    (2)建議將布偶存放於無塵且陰涼的環境中。(It is recommended to store the plushie in a dust-free, cool environment.)

    (3)平時可定期清除表面灰塵。若有髒污,建議用沾水的海綿輕拭表面,並放在通風處晾乾。請勿使用洗衣機清洗。(Regularly clean the surface to remove dust. For stains, gently wipe the surface with a damp sponge and let it air dry in a well-ventilated area. Do not machine wash the plushie.)

    (4)頻繁清潔和使用可能會導致布偶損傷或觸感變差。(Frequent cleaning and use may cause wear and deterioration in texture.)

    限量贈品 (Limited Edition Gift)
    ※Each customer is limited to one gift only.

    (When purchasing the Hanami dango plushie, you can choose whether to receive the gift. There are only ten gifts available, and they are first-come, first-served.)

    (2)限量贈送由 Ruman 親手製作的兔子饅頭鑰匙圈,非量產商品。
    (A limited-edition Bunny bun keychain handmade by Ruman will be included as a gift. This item is not mass-produced.)

    (The gift is not for sale, and replacements will not be provided if lost. Thank you for your understanding.)

    Hanami Dango Mass-Produced Plushie

      • 量產商品每個成品可能會在外型上有些微差異,屬於正常現象。(As a mass-produced item, slight variations in appearance may occur, which is considered normal.)
      • 照片顏色可能會因螢幕顯示而略有差異,敬請見諒。
        (The color of the photos may vary slightly depending on the display screen.)
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